Hair is a part of our body. Both men and women look smart with healthy hair. So many people are worried about hair fall. In nowadays world hair fall is common. people lose their confidence by hair fall. without hair on the head, most men are not looking smart because hair plays a crucial role in beautifulness.

What are the reasons for hair fall?

How to reduce dandruff and hairfall

There are so many reasons for hair fall. I mentioned some of the reasons

  • Dandruff on the scalp
  • Unhygienic food 
  • Air polluted surrounds 
  • Fungal infections 
  • Other diseases like psoriasis

What is dandruff on the scalp?

Most people lose their hair by dandruff on their scalp. Oil glands in the hair produce oils that later turn into a small layer of dust called dandruff on the scalp. If we do not try to reduce our scalp then dandruff increases that later leads to itches and sores and sometimes leads to psoriasis. 

If we reduce dandruff then half the hair problems are solved. if there is psoriasis then you should consult a dermatologist for treatment.

What are the reasons for dandruff?
  • common comb for the whole family
  • poor treatment  for hair
  • air polluted surrounds
How to reduce dandruff on the scalp?

In a family, we use a common comb for all family members. It is very wrong for our hair. If we use a common comb then dandruff is easily transferred one to one and if the comb was 6 months old better to not use the comb.

Due to air polluted surroundings, there is a great number of dust particles in the air due to this dandruff increased heavily. This dandruff increases the itches and sores on the scalp.

Most people don't pay attention to their hair. once the hair fall is started then everyone thinks about how to reduce dandruff. Prevention is better than cure. So first you have to try the methods which prevent dandruff.

If you suffered from dandruff and itches then bath daily with anti-dandruff shampoo. if we have medium-level dandruff then bath we have to bathe with anti-dandruff shampoo at least twice or thrice a week. other people can bathe once a week with shampoo.

Homemade Remedies:

Coming to homemade remedies lemon is useful for reducing dandruff. Rub the lemon pieces to your scalp and leave for 15 minutes then wash your head. It will help to reduce dandruff.

soap nuts also work better than shampoos to avoid dandruff. crush the soapnuts and mix them with water and apply for your hair. 

How to reduce hair fall?

If you reduce dandruff then the hair fall is reduced automatically. some additional requirements are needed to reduce hair fall.

Eat healthy food items and maintain a balanced diet. Eat food like fresh vegetables and fruits which contain vitamin A &C&E  like carrots, beans, guava, avocado, and eggs.

If you get hair loss and itches and sores by psoriasis then consult a doctor for better treatment
use nutritional oils for hair growth there are so many hair oils in the market for hair growth or take the suggestions of a doctor for better hair oil.

Best Hair Oils

Best Anti-Dandruff Shampoos